Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Learn something new every day - by Lena

One of my common reactions to seeing or reading something new is to say "You learn something new every day" so I've decided to turn this re-action into a regular, conscious, documented action.
As it's close to the end of 2008 it seemed like a good idea to do it for every day of 2009 so I've made myself an altered book to record a new thing I learn every day for 365 days. I had an old Financial Accounting text book from my college days so after a bit of paint the cover now looks like this
and this is on the title page
The book has 640 pages which means that some days can have a two-page spread and my intention is to complete the page/pages on a daily basis and upload them to my own blog at lenasalteredstuff.blogspot.com. I may occasionally upload images to this blog as well if there's something I'm particularly keen to share and talk about.
I have a feeling that this is going to be full of unexpected consequences. Simply the fact that I'll be producing art on a daily basis, and thereby turning it into a habit, is likely to have positive effects. I've already put an entry on the calendar of my mobile to ask the question "What new thing did I learn today?"
An exciting journey to be sure!

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